Volunteer Opportunities

Our namesake Volunteers of America, was derived from a voluntary call to action from people to give back in the late 1800's to their community. Throughout the years, as an affiliate, VOA Illinois, has evolved into an organization that addresses the needs of our community.

Our programs are very diverse from one community to the next – and so are our volunteer opportunities. Individual volunteers, as well as volunteer groups from businesses, faith-based communities, schools and other groups work throughout our programs. Please see below for some volunteer opportunity options.

Volunteer forms and information:

Volunteer Opportunity Options

Corporate Volunteers

Bring your team and join us in making an impact in our communities! Volunteering with us will not only raise your profile within the local community, but it will also help strengthen work teams and boost company morale.

Learn more

Organize the Children’s Playroom

We are always looking for weekly or biweekly volunteers to clean and organize the children’s playroom at our downtown office. Responsibilities would include: cleaning and sanitizing all the toys, vacuuming, organizing, and wiping down all the furniture.

Serve a Meal to Veterans

Volunteers can serve a meal to the Veterans living at Hope Manor I or Hope Manor II. During the meal they can get to know the Veteran and hear their stories. This is a great opportunity for groups of 5-10 individuals.

Complete Property Work

Volunteer with a group to complete property work at Hope Hall, Hope Manor I, and Hope Manor II. Plant a garden, pull weeds, wash windows, and enjoy a day outside while meeting Veterans we serve.

group of VOA volunteers holding presents

Donate and Organize Gifts During the Holiday Season

Help donate and organize and gifts for the children we serve in our Child Welfare Services Program and the children of the Veterans we serve. This is a great opportunity for groups of 10.

Teach a Class

Do you have a special talent that you’ve wanted to show off? This is the perfect opportunity. We are always looking for computer coaches, fitness instructors, and groups to host game nights.

Service Hours

Are you a student looking to complete service hours while helping in the community? We have opportunities throughout the year to help you gain credit for school while changing the lives of our clients.

Lend a Hand

Volunteer groups are needed to organize and sort the clothing and wellness closets at Hope Manor I and Hope Manor II. They are also needed to alphabetize the library. Group sizes can range from 2-15 individuals.

Operation Backpack

Spend an afternoon organizing, sorting, and stuffing backpacks for children in need in Chicago. Each backpack is filled with everything a child needs for the first day of school.

Camp Hope II

Spend an afternoon at Hope Manor II volunteering at our Camp Hope II summer camp for the children living at Hope Manor II and in the Englewood community. Participate in sports day, career day, water activities, or bring your own spin to camp.

Can’t Commit to a Set Schedule?

If you can’t find time to schedule a volunteer activity you can faciliate a drive for the individuals we serve. We are always in need of hygiene products, clothing, and items for newborns.

Messages of Hope

You can connect with the individuals and families that call VOA Illinois home. You can include a poem, quote, personal message, drawing, biblical verse, and more. The messages will be distributed by our staff to the Veterans, families, seniors, and adults with disabilities.

Meet the Auxiliary Board!

Auxiliary Board (AB) members are young professionals in Chicago, who are looking to meet new people while making a difference in their community. They have shared ideas about ways to fundraise to support VOA Illinois.

Should you have any questions about volunteering, please contact:
Phone: (312) 564-2434 Fax: 312-564-2301 Email: development@voail.org

* VOA Illinois’ volunteer opportunities are ONLY for our programs.

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