
Careers at VOA Illinois


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312-564-2300 •

VOA Illinois Employee Resources

2024 Value Award Winners

Integrity: Isabella Carr

Service Coordinator

Innovation: Elyse Morris


Faith: Ivan Medina

maintenance technician

Discipline: Edward Skoda

maintenance technician

Shared Destiny: Amanda Banks

talent acquisition specialist

Trauma Informed Care: Susan Redden

Certified Alcohol and drug counselor

Rising Star: Sarah Kowal

Development manager

Leadership: Efrain Ibarra


Leadership: Michelle Sanders

manager of veteran support services

Most Valuable Player: Regina Ruffin

director of rapid rehousing services

Team Excellence: Balsam Terrace & Spruce Manor

Elissa Besterwitch, Robert Kroemelbein, Danny Bailey, Nancy Harper

Balsam Terrace & Sprice Manor Team

Organizational Values

We are a mission-driven AND value-centered organization dedicated to living the following values in all we do:


We are committed to operating with uncompromising integrity and within the highest ethical standards and to be responsible stewards of all the resources entrusted to us with the utmost regard for efficiency and effectiveness.


We approach the responsibility to serve others with the same fervor and passion that inspired the organization’s founders more than a century ago, a passion that inspired them to work tirelessly to transform the world around them.


We operate from a profound belief in the power of God’s grace to transform even the most difficult situations and we believe in the potential for “greatness” in those we serve, those we serve with and in the world around us. We believe in the fundamental goodness of people and in their unlimited capacity to transform their lives.


We are committed to fulfilling our promises and doing that we say we will do when it needs to be done. We will focus on the things that matter most and on those efforts that make the biggest difference in the lives of the people we serve.


We understand that we achieve our mission through teamwork and a commitment to common goals and objectives. We encourage the development of supportive and collaborative efforts within and across departments that create unity and strengthen results. We seek and celebrate a diverse staff that bring complementary skills and perspectives to the organization. As a ministry of service, we promote a professional, courteous, cooperative and diverse work environment that fosters mutual respect and consideration of co-workers, colleagues, volunteers and clients


We approach our work with a commitment to being truly client-centered in our approach, philosophy, interactions, transactions, processes and interventions. We are committed to providing the highest level of care to the people we serve and to utilizing a trauma-informed approach in the way we approach every interaction and intervention with the people we serve. We make this commitment not because we assume that trauma is necessarily central to everyone’s day to day experience but rather, because the principles of trauma-informed care ensure a culture of client care that is built on characteristics that are consistent with our organizational values and facilitate an environment for clients that is most conducive to positive change.

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